In my PhD thesis [5], I have shown how to represent
in a variable
, that are
endowed with a hyperserial structure [13]:
a collection of functions
that are regular (e.g.
analytic and monotone) in a formal sense, and which are themselves
represented as hyperseries
These functions include:
exponentials and logarithms
so-called hyperexponentials, e.g. a formal term
which satisfies Abel's equation
and its functional inverse with
so-called nested series such as expansions with transfinite depth
![]() |
(1) |
which in can be made rigorous sense of in hyperseries.
My thesis consisted in showing that the class of
surreal numbers has a natural hyperserial structure. This has sprouted a
series of research questions that are summarized below.
Using the hyperserial structure on the non-Archimedean ordered field
of surreal numbers [11], it is
possible to represent surreal numbers as hperseries with real
coefficients [12]. This representation gives a natural way
to treat numbers as functions defined on the class
of positive infinite numbers, and to
differentiate them as such. In other words, this gives a
canonical way to define a composition law
and a
on surreal numbers. This is van der
Hoeven's conjecture:
Conjecture A. [22] There is
are a derivation and a composition law on that
are compatible with its hyperserial structure.
I have notes which define these operations and derive their main
elementary properties. I plan to turn them into a series of papers,
partly in joint work with J.
I am studying several inter-related problems motivated by the investigation of the first-order structure
This structure has interesting properties: closedness under conjugacy equations, model completeness as an ordered valued differential field [1, 2], set-wise order saturation...
Unfortunately, it is difficult to even start looking into its
first-order properties when taking the composition law into account,
because little is known about first-order theories of ordered structures
with composition laws. My long-term plan is to build toward an
understanding of some of these structures, in the hope of establishing
tameness properties of and other such
One way to begin this journey is to restrain oneself to a small reduct
of . The natural candidate is
the ordered group
. It shares
many first-order properties with ordered groups of germs at
of definable unary functions in o-minimal expansions of
real-closed fields. Drawing on this connection, I introduced [10]
an elementary class of ordered groups, called growth order
groups (henceforth GOGs), that is intended to subsume the
informal notion of group of regular growth rates, exemplified both by
o-minimal germs and hyperseries. I expect that o-minimality is a natural
source of GOGs. In particular, I want to prove the following:
Conjecture B. Let be an
o-minimal expansion of the real ordered field. The ordered group, under
composition and comparison at infinity, of germs at
of unary
-definable maps
is a growth order group.
The special case when is levelled in the sense
of [27] was proved in [10].
Growth order groups come equipped with a canonical definable valuation,
which plays a prominent role in establishing their properties. An
important matter to be understood regarding GOGs is the unary equation
problem: given a GOG and a unary term
in the language of groups with parameters in
, when is there a growth order group
such that
![]() |
(2.1) |
Indeed, this question is a baby version of the search for existentially
closed GOGs. Seeing as a group of o-minimal
germs, or formal series under composition, the equation
translates to an intricate functional equation
No practical theory of such general fuctional equations exists.
Ordered groups of o-minimal germs for expansions
of general real-closed fields may fail to be GOGs. Likewise, basic
expansions of a GOG related to the unary equation problem fail to be
GOGs. This calls for an extension of the class of growth ordered groups
to a larger class of
valued groups
that would encompass all the groups involved in the unary equation
problem for GOGs, while retaining sufficiently many properties of the
canonical valuation on GOGs that equations over these valued groups be
traceable. We introduced [
] these valued groups, called c-valued groups, and studied their
Nearly Abelian
c-valued groups are c-valued groups in which commutators decrease in
valuation. They include for instance groups of parabolic
2.1. we use parabolic as a synonym for “tangent to the identity”
Theorem be a spherically complete,
torsion-free, nearly Abelian c-valued group. Suppose that its (Abelian)
residue groups are divisible. Then any equation
where and
has a
unique solution
To us, this would give a satisfactory partial answer to the unary
equation problem restricted to non-singular equations, i.e. equations
with , if we had a
positive answer to the following question:
Question C. Given a c-valued group , is there a spherically complete c-valued
Our next goal besides answering that question is to find valued groups in which the geometry of definable sets is tame (see Section 3.4). This mainly entails solving singular equations over valued groups. We have a candidate of a good first-order theory whose models have this feature.
A defining aspect of is the possibility of
defining operations on its Cartesian powers via
recursive definitions as per [19]. Indeed
this is how the arithmetic [16], exponential function [20] and hyperserial structure [11] were defined.
It is sometimes possible [19] to show that a function with
a recursive definition on
is “tame”,
for instance satisfying the intermediate value property (IVP). This is
particularly interesting because the IVP for unary terms in a
first-order language is sometimes sufficient to entail existential
closedness forthe corresponding structure (e.g. adding the IVP axiom
scheme for unary terms to the theories of linearly ordered Abelian
groups, ordered domains, or Liouville-closed H-fields with small
derivation [1] yields their model companion).
Thus it would be interesting to revisit and generalise previous
definitions of operations on with a more model
theoretic approach. In particular, given a first-order language
where each
is a function
symbol, and an
of dense linear orders without endpoints, whn and how
(and in what order) can one recursively define interpretations of the
function symbols
as function
on Cartesian powers of
, in
such a way that
be a model of
? When doing so, what is the complete theory
The formal realm usually serves as a collection of convenient extensions of first-order structures in which many equations or existential formulas are satisfied. Developping formal versions of classical tools in algebra, geometry and analysis is a way to build formal structures fitting our goals, for instance satisfying a given first-order theory.
Together with S. L. of strict dominance, and a notion of
infinite sums, for which linear maps commuting with infinite sums are
said strongly linear. They include for instance algebras of
formal power series in commuting or non-commuting variables, and Hahn
series fields and skew-fields. We showed:
Theorem be an algebra, in characteristic
, of Noetherian series. Then the formal Taylor
series of the exponential map induces an isomorphism between the group
of strongly linear derivations
for all
and the group
composition of strongly linear automorphisms
for all
The group law on is given by a formal
Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff product (see [32]). There is also
a formal verison of the third homomorphism theorem. We call these
relations the formal Lie correspondence. Motivated by
[26], this raises the question:
Question D. Does the formal Lie correspondence extend
between a Lie subalgebra of the algebra of
strongly linear derivations on
and the group
of strongly linear automorphism of
In analogy with valuation theory in commutative algebra (see e.g. [25] and [23]), we expect that elements in sufficiently large groups of o-minimal germs should
have compositional asymptotic expansions
where is a scale of functions that is strictly
decreasing in rate of growth,
is a sequence of
non-zero real numbers, and
denotes the
-th real iterate of
. The formalisation of such asymptotic
expansions was done in the general cases of growth order groups and
valued groups, in [10, 6], in the form of a
theory of scales and pseudo-Cauchy sequences. We lack a formalisation of
the expansions themselves that would be the non-commutative analogue of
fields of formal series, i.e. a group of formal non-commutative series
whose group operation depends only on the
Question E. Given a linearly ordered set and a family
of Abelian ordered
groups, under what conditions can one define a group law
on the set
of functions
with anti-well-ordered support
, ordered lexicographically, such that the ordered
is a growth order group?
We proposed [8] a framework for studying infinite linearly ordered products in general groups. We were able to show that some classical groups of formal series can be endowed with such infinite products in a canonical way, and showed that this gives a canonical representation of their elements as formal non-commutative series:
be an ordered field, and let
be the group under
composition of power series
anti-well-ordered support, with exponents and coefficients in
, that are tangent to the identity.
Then one can define transfinite linearly ordered products on
, and for each
, there is a unique map
with anti-well-ordered support with
In forthcoming work, relying on a study of Taylor expansions for
functions defined on fields of formal series in progress with V. L.
Work in progress. The set of positive infinite finitely nested series of [4] is a group. Moreover, any such series can be represented uniquely as a possibly transfinite composition as in Theorem 3.2.
The same proof will apply to provided the
composition law is defined.
In order to investigate tame first-order theories of nearly Abelian
c-valued groups (see Section
), one needs to find such groups where definable sets are simple in a
geometric sense. A sound condition is that discreteness should only come
from Abelian subgroups (in GOGs, the
solutions of
lie in a discrete Abelian subgroup, sometimes isomorphic to the group of integers, rational numbers or real numbers).
However, the phenomenon of Poincaré resonance
(see [18]) in normalisingng local objects such as germs of vector fields
and diffeomorphisms, precludes this. In the case of plain parabolic
formal power series in
, we say that there is resonance when the the
shortest Laurent polynomial
which is a conjugate
is not the truncation
consisting in its first two non-zero terms,
but contains an additional resonant term
which depends on a longer truncation of
From a combinatorial standpoint, this means that the term
cannot be eliminated by elementary operations of
conjugation. From the standpoint of the model theory of valued groups,
this entails that the set of parabolic power series that are conjugates
has infinitely many definable connected
components, which do not come from an Abelian subgroup.
For us, this means that such groups as that of parabolic power series
are to be avoided. The reoccurrence of resonance was an unpleasant
hurdle in studying valued groups, until we found a way to interpret it
(in certain prominent cases) as a property of the underlying valued
differential fields of series. Working on the Lie algebra side of the
formal Lie correspondence, we were able [7] to formalise
resonance for certain groups of transseries and to establish an
equivalence between the non-existence of resonance and the existence of
asymptotic integrals (see [1, p 327]). Our equivalence was
only proved over certain fields of classical transseries. When the
composition law and derivation
are defined on
, we wish to
extend it thus:
Conjecture F. Let be a
direct limit of spherically complete differential subfields of
, and suppose that the set
of parabolic elements in
is a
nearly Abelian subgroup of the c-valued group of all parabolic numbers.
Then conjugacy in
is resonance-free if and only
has asymptotic integration.
Lastly, we turn to more concrete and geometric questions regarding the analytic content of the calculus of hyperseries.
One long-standing open problem in o-minimality is the existence of a
transexponential o-minimal expansion of the real
ordered exponential field, i.e. an expansion which defines a unary
function growing faster than all iterates of . Abel's equation in
![]() |
(4.1) |
is the simplest functional equation whose solutions [24] in Hardy fields [15] are transexponential.
On the real-analytic side, Kneser's solution to
(4.1) on
is a natural candidate for
these o-minimal investigations. On the formal-surreal side, I hope that
the calculus of hyperseries on
represents asymptotic properties of
Recently, A.
, in a language
, and showed that the set
of germs of unary terms in
is a Hardy field. The
of finitely nested hyperseries [13],
with the hyperexponential function corresponding to
is a model of
. A first step
toward studying the relationship between the surreal/formal model
and the geometric/analytic model
is to prove that there is a natural inclusion
With A.
Conjecture G. The function
is a well-defined
We defined [4] a derivation and composition law on . we also expect that:
Conjecture H. The function
commutes with the derivation and composition laws on
A unique feature of surreal numbers is that they naturally contain nested numbers, e.g. numbers whose expansion as a hyperseries is
![]() |
(4.2) |
where is a surreal number that plays the role of
a variable at infinity.
On the analytic side, the functional equation
![]() |
(4.3) |
naturally generates germs which, when represented using logarithmico-exponential terms, expand in a similar way as (4.2). There are good reasons [3] to believe that the behavior of differential polynomials on these nested germs is the same as their behavior on the corresponding nested numbers/hyperseries. Exploiting this, I want to study how the functional equation (4.3) can be solved in Hardy fields:
Question I. What linear orderings can be represented by quasi-analytic sets of solutions of (4.3) lying in a common Hardy field?
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